Monday, March 22, 2010

Trial & Error

Hellllooo friends and family and potential PC volunteers. I want to use this blog to keep everyone updated on my Guatemalan adventures. I'd like to start by apologizing for any poor grammar, misspellings or bad jokes I may make. I can't imagine what wierd and exciting things might influence my judgement and therefore my writing abilities over the next 27 months. About a week ago I received my invitation to Central America. I accepted without hesitation, this is where I had originially asked to go but had been denied. I was going to Africa they said. So I have been mentally prepping myself for Africa for the past 10 months. The offer to Central America was an incredible blessing for my family and myself. After accepting the offer I received a large package full of tons of information I will need to know about Guatemala, my Peace Corps country of service. As of right now all my paperwork is filled out, my things are somewhat in order. Now just to sell the car, learn some more spanish and spend as much quality time with my family and friends as possible. I depart April 27 and I am scheduled to return August 21st, 2012. Anyway, this is it for my first official post. I will keep everyone updated as my adventure gets closer. Thanks for reading:)


  1. Cam you come back on my 26th BDAY!!!!! Gonna be the best bday EVER

  2. YYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYY We shall party it up hardcore! And I am flying back to Seattle so hopefully you are there.
